
52% of Hartford Youth Scholars attend Hartford Public, Magnet, Charter and other local public high schools, and
48% attend private schools.
100% of Hartford Youth Scholars graduate from high school on time.
69% of Hartford Youth Scholars have completed a 4-year college degree in 4 years, and 
19% of them have completed a 4-year degree within 6 years.
88% of Hartford Youth Scholars have completed a 4-year degree within 6 years.
This is in comparison to a national rate of 41% of low-income, first-generation college students completing a 4-year degree in 6 years.

It also is in comparison to a national rate of 73% of NOT low-income, and NOT first-generation college students completing a 4-year degree in 6 years.

Ethnicity Pie Chart

In 2019-20 school year, our Scholars self-identified as 65% Black, 22% Hispanic, 7% Multi-Racial, 4% Asian, and 2% White.

86% of Hartford Youth Scholars' families are low or low-to-moderate income.
2015 Bachelor's Degree Attainment by Race/Ethnicity in United States
White -----------------------------------  64%
Hispanic --------------------------------  14%
Black ------------------------------------  11%
Asian/Pacific Islander -----------------   8%
Two or More Races ---------------------  2%
American Indian/Alaska Native  ------ 1%
At Hartford Youth Scholars, both our Scholars and our staff work hard to overcome the bleak statistics for minorities in Hartford. The Collegiate Academy (TCA) provides the training and support necessary to ensure that these young people beat the odds, and our Scholars rise to the rigors of TCA’s curriculum and sacrifice free time to increase their academic opportunities. 
The percentage of families with children under the age of 18 that are living below the poverty level is 11.6 in Connecticut and 32.0 in Hartford.
The unemployment rate is 5.5 in Connecticut and 9.0 in Hartford.
The percentage of persons aged 25 or older with a high school degree or higher is 90.9 in Connecticut and 78.1 in Hartford.
The percentage of persons aged 25 or older with a bachelor's degree or higher is 39.6 in Connecticut and 15.8 in Hartford.
All of our Scholars are aware of the above statistics; each of them has also decided that they will not be defined by what these statistics say about students from Hartford. Hartford Youth Scholars are putting in time and dedication today and they are making a long-term commitment to continue to do so. HYS Scholars know that education changes lives and they know that gaining admission to college isn't going to further their education; they know that admission is their opportunity to participate in their own education and earn a college degree. We do everything that we can to support them every step of the way.
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